On Thursday June 16, 2011 I’ll be joining others around Australia who will sleeping out on our streets as part of an event known as the ‘Vinnies CEO Sleepout’. This initiative was developed by St Vincent de Paul Society and is now run annually to raise funds to help our homeless. In Victoria Vinnies operates a range of accommodation and support services for people who experience homelessness including hostels, women’s refuges, soup vans, education programs and family services.
They provide crisis accommodation for over 1,000 people every night of the year and provide meaningful support to help people break personal cycles of poverty through education, recreation and referral programs. The most common reasons for homelessness in Victoria are domestic and family violence. Nearly half of Australia’s homeless are women and sadly, around 30% are children. I’d greatly appreciate your support for this worthwhile cause. It only takes a moment to donate and make a difference.
Thanks in anticipation of your support. Dean Joel Managing Director